

Meditation has been shown to work on two distinct levels: a) the cognitive level, and b) the spiritual level. On the cognitive level,meditation helps to bring about a deep equipoise and a calming relief to one's overactive mind. Today, especially, the mind is constantly bombarded with an unending stream of diverse information - some valuable, most useless. As a direct result of such information bombardment, the mind is in an almost constant state of agitation and confusion. Meditation serves to calm the mind, allowing our attention to shift from the storm of external stimuli to the deep inner peace that is the natural state of the soul. As a consequence of having a calm mind, we then find that we can think and make important decisions with much more clarity, insight, and power. We are now able to process information in a way that serves us, rather than merely being the victims of myriad sensory impressions and information overload.On the more spiritual level, meditation has the ability to provide us with deep levels of self-realization and God-realization that, uptill now, may have seemed to be impossible attainments to many of us. By meditating with the expressed goal of making spiritual progress, and knowing God and self, we then traverse beyond the merely cognitive and mental, and begin to penetrate the inner realms of eternal spirit. When we have self-realization, we now experience the transcendent peace and calm that is the natural result of living in spirit. When we have God-realization, we are now in communion with the very source of our being, the eternal, loving Absolute who is our very best of friends, and greatest of well-wishers. In such a transcendent state of spiritual attainment, no anxiety, stress,depression, or fear can ever burden our minds or hearts again. For we have now, through the process of spiritual meditation, realized the infinite well of spiritual peace that lies naturally within

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen. So good to hear. Especially after experiencing it