

I: Concerning the Light
My father, the glad light, the glad light, the glorious.
My father, the glad light, the glad and blessed light.
My father, the glad light, the glad and honored light.
He evoked the aeons of light, he appointed them to the joy of his greatness.
He evoked the aeons of peace, in whom there is no waning or diminution.
He evoked the aeons of light, he summoned his sons and set them up in them.
He evoked the aeons of peace, he summoned his richnessses and set them up in them.
He evoked the aeons of rest, he summoned his angels and set them up in them.
He established dwellings of life and set up living images in them.
He set up living images in them which never perish.
He evoked clouds of brightness, dropping down dew and life,
He summoned a holy fire, giving a sweet burning.
He evoked a wind and and air, breathing the breath of the living.
He evoked holy mountains, sending up fragrant roots.
They are all in agreement and concord: there is no waning or diminution in them,
they are rejoicing and being glad in the glory, full, abiding in eternity.
I know not where the son of evil saw them.
He rose up saying "May I be one like them?"
Where did the son of evil see them?
He rose up saying, "May I be one like them?"
Where did the son of evil see them - the poor one who has nothing,
no riches in his treasure,
no eternity in his possession, no riches in his treasure?
He rose up saying, "May I be one like them?"
He caught the hand of seven companions and his twelve helpers.
He caught the hand of his seven companions,
he went, he looked to them in a moment, in order that,
if any should fall and come down, he might go and be one like them.
The great father therefore took the first step.
He strengthened all his angels, saying
"Assemble, all of you, and guard yourselves from the eye of the evil one which has looked up".
One of the sons of light looked from on high and saw him.
He said to his rich brethren:
"O my brethren, the sons of light, in whom there is no waning or dissolution:
I looked down to the abyss,
I saw the evil one, the son of evil,
I saw the evil one, the son of evil, desiring to wage war.
I saw their cruel armor which is ready to make the war,
I saw snares set and nets cast and spread,
so that the bird which should come might be caught and not escape from them.
I saw them reclining, drinking stolen wine, eating plundered flesh."
The little one passed his months until he . . .
He that is small among them that are on high stepped forth.
He armed himself and girt his loins.
The son of the brightnesses and the richnesses armed himself and girt his loins.
He leapt and sped down into the abyss.
He leapt, he came into their midst that he might make war with them
He humbled the son of evil and his seven companions and his twelve ministers.
He uprooted their tent and threw it down.
He put out their burning fire.
He fettered the poor wretches that were at hand, thinking to make war.
He seized their cruel armour, that had been provided to make a war.
He broke their snares that were set.
He burst also their nets that were spread.
He let the fish out to their sea.
He let the birds fly in the air.
He let the sheep into their fold.
He rolled up his wealth, he took it.
He took it up to the land of rest.
That which the living ones took therefore was saved.
They will return again to that which is theirs.

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