
The Illumined Disciple...

In the awareness of the illumined disciple there is only Being, and nothing else. There is nothing seen but this Being, this Spirit, this Divinity, throughout the entire cosmos. Within this Being, there is an awareness that one exists, but at the same time there is no sense of separation. There is an awareness of one's own presence within the universe, but at the same time there is no "self" or ego. There is an awareness of duration within the universe, but no experience of time. There is awareness of bliss, but no awareness of a self that is an experiencer of bliss. This is an awareness where there is neither duality nor non-duality, neither unity nor non-unity, neither inside nor outside, and neither distance nor closeness.This Being is our true nature, our essence. But to say this is to imply that there is a "self" that has a true Being or an essence. This is not the case. The "self" or ego has nothing, and it does not exist in Reality, as the separative human consciousness expects a self to exist. There is no aspect of the constitution of the human being that can "have" something else. In Reality, therefore, there is no "self" that evolves and grows. Nevertheless there is awareness of existence and of identification with Being.There is an awareness that this is the way we always were, and is the way we always will be. This is our true nature, our true home, and our true life. There was never a time when we were truly separate from this Being, and there could never be such a time, save in some illusory image of self, some material manifestation, which cannot co-exist with this Reality.In this Being, this Spirit, this Divinity, and this Life there is no awareness of the personality nature whatsoever. There is no awareness of body, nor emotions, nor separative concrete mind. Within the awareness of one's existence there is the capacity to think and to know, a capacity for Love, and a capacity for spiritual realization or apprehension. Perhaps we might accurately call these abstract mind, intuition, and spiritual will, but they cannot be considered distinct from one another except in terms of their motion. Sometimes they are in movement, and sometimes they are not, but this does not make them separate from one another.

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