

The search for truth has been replaced in the lives of billions with the search for entertainment.Rather than encouraging such spiritual values as courage, nobility,and heroism, the modern world today encourages the coldly unsatisfying propaganda of radical egalitarianism. Rather than encouraging the nurturing of the inner life of the spirit, and the natural joy, peace and fulfillment that results from a healthy spiritually-centered life, today it is only selfish economic advancement and the value of purchasing power that is advocated.Rather than a lifestyle of mental, physical and spiritual health,today lifestyles of selfish hedonism, consumerism, greed, fame, and lust are upheld as the ideal course of behavior, and the values toward which all should aspire.Dharma, the principle of living one's life in accordance with Natural Law and God's will in a manner that is healthy, fulfilling,nurturing, and truly progressive, has now been replaced with an artificial and life-denying lifestyle that only produces a profound sense of meaninglessness and anxiety.The ultimate cure for society's present crisis of depression and meaninglessness is to re-embrace a life of meaning, a life of Dharma. Dharma, by its very definition, denotes the sustaining foundation of all reality. Dharma is the concept that all that we experience in this world is based upon a higher, spiritual reality that provides the ordering principles necessary for the proper function of the world. To understand Dharma is to understand the world, and the natural laws behind all things that make life a meaningful and beautiful expression of the Divine in spacial-temporal reality. To know Dharma is to know life's ultimate meaning. And the way to fully know Dharma is through the process of meditation

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