
The State of Ignorance.....

The reason why humans live in a state of ignorance is because they believe that they are the ego instead of the Truth that they are Divinity using a human body to move around in this physical world...In this state of ignorance of their Divinity, they commit crimes against themselves, such as hate, violence, theft,vanity,bigotry, and all other negative thoughts and emotions that are born of this false-ego that they believe that they are...when the mind is cleared of these impurities of ego, then the pure white light of the Holy Spirit can shine through...this is why Saints have the white halo around their heads in paintings....this is the white aura that is transferred from the Holy Spirit through the bodies of those who have become Love (Christhood, Sainthood),,,these are the souls that have abolished their egos.....Remember, the word Enlightenment means to be filled with Light..............

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