

Nitrogen is as precious to the human body as oxygen.. It is the material that makes proteins differ from other foods..Fats and carbohydrates can, in an emergency, be almost dispensed with, but protein is life-giving, and without it malnutrition quickly sets in..It is nitrogen that makes the protein so very different to other foods..It is a teaching of current biology that man cannot obtain nitrogen for the construction of his own body proteins by any means except through the protein that he eats, whether this be in the almost solid concentration of meat and fish, or in the lesser concentrations of protein found in fruit, cereals and vegetables...All nitrogen, says orthodoxy, must come from diet..This is mainly true. But it does seem an extroadinary lapse , on the part of the God of Nature to have created man with a hugh capacity for taking in air, which is four-fifths nitrogen, and then not to have made this precious material available to the body for the building of its own muscles and other tissues of a proteinous nature.....It is a teaching, previously made only available to initiates, that, in certain circumstances, the human body CAN fix nitrogen for its own use, from the air it breathes....It is taught that man is omni-potential.............................Ethan Walker

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