
Inner Transformation.....

The purpose of the teachings of Jesus is to create an inner change within the Christian...they are not just rules to follow, they are meant to actually change the sub-concious mind to become that which you are wishing to become...the sub-conscious mind is a blackboard that is covered by the writing of all your thoughts,so that most people are walking around in a confused state....the objective of a spiritual path is to wipe the slate clean and write new knowledge upon the board...this is the meaning of Jesus,when He said that your sins are forgiven....the conscious mind tells the sub-conscious mind what to believe and store...the most thoughts installed into the sub-concious mind will become the dominant force, and will become the personality of the make the most thoughts of your conscious mind filled with love and kindness,this will be transferred to your sub-concious mind to become manifested into reality...."You are what you think".......

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